High Risk Pregnancy

High-risk pregnancies include any pregnancy where there may be an increased risk to the health of either the mother, the foetus or both. Mothers with high-risk pregnancies may need extra care and attention pre-, during and post-birth, such that they can be monitored at all stages to ensure that complications are kept to a minimum.

High-risk pregnancies are quite common in India. A study based in India observed that nearly fifty per cent of the pregnancies in India can be classified as high-risk.  

High-risk pregnancies can also be a result of pre-existing health conditions some of which may include:

  • Increased blood pressure (Also called Hypertension)

  • Diabetes or ineffective insulin regulation

  • Lupus, an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system may attack itself

  • Genetic factors may affect you or your family, in case you have a history of conditions which are hereditary, then there may be a risk associated with acquiring the condition.

In such cases, monitoring of the foetus is essential to keep an eye on its health. 

Pre-eclampsia is a condition associated with high blood pressure and protein in urine.

Not all mothers with pre-existing conditions are likely to develop high-risk pregnancies. There may be other factors which may contribute to the risk level of a pregnancy.

Certain age groups are more likely to have a risk-associated pregnancy. Mothers bearing multiple babies (twins or more) may also contribute to risk factors since more monitoring might be required in both situations.  

To ensure that pregnancies at risk are managed smoothly, early and thorough prenatal care is extremely essential and that is why we recommend a visit at Nisha Nursing Home.

Our experienced gynaecologists will walk you through the required treatments and management. They will regularly follow up with you, alongside prescribing a timeline for screening tests. We will assist you in getting specialised care, if and when required, to allow for the pregnancy to be smooth sailing.    

It is necessary to discuss your family history with a qualified gynaecologist and team, to get the treatment and assistance that you and your baby deserve. At Nisha Nursing Home, we have a team of qualified doctors and professionals who will be able to see you through your high-risk pregnancy, till your delivery. Our team is committed to providing you the best possible services and we ensure that both mother and child are safe and healthy. We are here to guide you through every step, in order to ensure that your pregnancy feels like a breeze!

At Nisha Nursing Home, we have on-call staff, 24/7, who are extremely equipped to deal with your concerns. Just set up an appointment or walk into the clinic and we will be more than happy to address your every issue. We not only prioritise the health and safety of your little one but ensure that the mother feels at ease. Your high-risk pregnancy should never feel worrisome and our team of doctors, nurses and hospital staff will collectively work to guarantee a pleasant journey along your pregnancy.